In the smaller worries of life, my rowhouse's 12-ft-wide living room floor plan is driving me nuts. I don't feel furniture should be smashed flat to the wall, but with a shotgun floorplan, there's insufficient room to "float" furniture.
The (on-going) solution?
Being that I couldn't resituate the space-stealing staircase that invades the front of the living room, I had to get creative. First, to allow more light and give the illusion of more space, I changed the plain steel door to an open glass door with a transom above it (thanks Lowes). Second, the living room was painted a deep luxurious brown with a tad of sheen (Bittersweet Chocolate by Benjamin Moore) from before's blah off-white. This is supposed to shorten the long galley look of the room. The next step, however, is on-going and irksome: furniture placement. So far: a console, an 80-inch sofa, 2 large chairs, 2 small chairs, a divider, a sofa table, and *maybe* a bar. Sounds like a hellish amount of furniture, but I will win. "After" pics to come.