In the smaller worries of life, my rowhouse's 12-ft-wide living room floor plan is driving me nuts. I don't feel furniture should be smashed flat to the wall, but with a shotgun floorplan, there's insufficient room to "float" furniture.
The (on-going) solution?
Being that I couldn't resituate the space-stealing staircase that invades the front of the living room, I had to get creative. First, to allow more light and give the illusion of more space, I changed the plain steel door to an open glass door with a transom above it (thanks Lowes). Second, the living room was painted a deep luxurious brown with a tad of sheen (Bittersweet Chocolate by Benjamin Moore) from before's blah off-white. This is supposed to shorten the long galley look of the room. The next step, however, is on-going and irksome: furniture placement. So far: a console, an 80-inch sofa, 2 large chairs, 2 small chairs, a divider, a sofa table, and *maybe* a bar. Sounds like a hellish amount of furniture, but I will win. "After" pics to come.
Looking forward to the after pics. I've lived in Pigtown for 16 years and have never figured out how to arrange the furniture in my narrow house!
Hugo, thanks for stopping by neighbor! I have been anguishing for months over color and placement. I hope to be done by January. Pics to come!!!
Your place looks really nice--can't wait to see what you do with it.
Thanks, Dayka! I'm aiming for "after" pics in February. It's a dramatic change and not for everyone, but oh well. :)
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