Initially I blogged that Baltimore city was behind the tree cutting, but it appears that it was just another pre-rehab clearing. Nonetheless, what contractor cuts trees on Sunday at 10am? I dig treehugging and all but I was super pleased to see two oddly overgrown and gargantuan trees--the kind that crash through your bedroom and wipe out all the power on the block for 2 weeks--getting trimmed. I had no idea they'd both be a complete and distant memory within 3 hours--they seemed nearly impossible to climb. Dag on it...I missed seeing how they did it.
Check the brave soul in the tree.
Wow. Trees all gone! Coincidentally, the house where the trees were chopped is the same one where the poor dog named "Scoobers" was being neglected (and I blogged about him).
Everybody loves the sunshine!!! Plus, no pesky leaves clogging up my gutter.
I saw what you just did there with that Roy Ayers reference...clever.
My glowing mark of achievement for the entire blog post was that Ayers quip. Whew, someone noticed! Just knew that'd go under the radar--ah, but not by The T!!!
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